
Trend Micro maintains a database of risky websites that have a history of transmitting malicious software or supporting online fraud.

What is Web Threat Protection?

Trend Micro Web Threat Protection guards you from threats when you search or browse online. It blocks suspicious websites before you can visit them.

Total blocked websites within the 30-day period.

How to turn it ON

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Click Trend Micro Security Chrome Extension icon extension.
  3. Select Web Threat Protection.

    Web Threat Protection in Google Chrome

  4. Click the switch on the right.

    Switch On Web Threat Protection

  5. Click the switch again to turn it OFF.

    Switch Off Web Threat Protection

I still want to visit a blocked page.

Click on the Still want to open this page, despite the risk?, then the Open Blocked Page button. However, your computer may be in danger of malware infection.

Open Blocked Page

Put a check beside Don't block this page again if you want to allow visits in this website permanently.

If you want Trend Micro to block this page again, you need to reinstall the extension to remove it from the trusted websites list.

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