Help Center

"Continuous Protection Plan" pop up from Trend Micro


You see this pop up on your computer:

Continuous Protection Plan. This plan lets you get the latest version for free.Stop worrying about when your subscription expires.

Why am I getting this message?

  • You bought your Trend Micro program from a retail store.
  • Your Auto-Renewal subscription is disabled or has been turned off.
  • This message serves as a reminder for you to join the Auto-Renew program. Trend Micro does not charge you to be in the program, however, store your credit card information to later automatically charge your subscription so that there will be no disruption of service, making it a Continues Protection Plan.

What should I do next?

  • If you are not interested, close the pop up message window.
  • If you are interested to know more about the Continuous Protection Plan, click the Learn More button.
  • If you cannot close the pop-up message window, contact us for further assistance.

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