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Are you worried about the safety of your files on your Windows computer? Folder Shield by Trend Micro can help you protect your precious data and subfolders from ransomware attacks. Plus, you can also secure files stored in cloud services like Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox. Let's get started!

How To Set Up Folder Shield

  1. Open Trend Micro and navigate to the Data tab.
  2. Click on Configure next to Folder Shield.
  3. Click Protect More to select additional folders.
  4. A "Setup Complete" window will appear after your careful selection. Click Done to save the changes.

How To Add Another Folder To Protect

  1. Click the Manage Folder button.
  2. Choose a new folder to protect.

    You can also protect important files stored and synced on your computer from Cloud Storage services like Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, or Dropbox.

How To Add a Program to the Trusted Program List

  1. Click the Trusted Program List link.
  2. Click Add, then Browse to search for the program you want to allow access to the protected files. Remember, you can only add one program at a time.
  3. Click Done to save the changes.

    If you need to remove a program from the list, simply check the program and click Remove.

How To Turn OFF Folder Shield

To disable Folder Shield, drag the slider to the LEFT. To reactivate it, simply drag the slider to the RIGHT.

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