
All Trend Micro Security products have an unconditional 30-day money back satisfaction guarantee. This means that within 30 days of your purchase, you may return these products to Trend Micro and receive a full refund of the purchase price less shipping and handling fees. Allow us six weeks for refund requests to be processed.

I Want to Refund an Online Purchase

If you've made an online purchase and want to request a refund, you have a couple of options:

Request a Refund Via Email

For a hassle-free refund via email, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Trend Micro's Refund Request Page.
  2. Choose Refund a recent ONLINE purchase under I need help with*.
  3. Select the product you want to refund and state your reason.
  4. Provide your details.
  5. Click Submit Request.

Kindly wait for the refund confirmation email that will be sent to your email address, and the refund will be processed within 5-7 business days.

Request a Refund Via findmyorder

Alternatively, you can request a refund via the platform:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your order number and password.
  3. Click Find to log in.
  4. Follow the prompts to request a return.

Once confirmed, your refund will be processed within 5-7 business days.

Retail Purchases

If you've purchased Trend Micro products at a retail store, the process is different based on your location:

For USA/Canada Retail Stores

If the store won't accept the return, you may return the product to Trend Micro within 30 days from the purchase date.

Chat with us or send us an email together with the required information.

  • Product to refund
  • Reason why you want a refund
  • Complete postal mailing address
  • Clear scanned copy of the receipt that includes:
    • Store Name, Location and Details
    • Purchase Date
    • Product Serial Number
    • Product Purchased
    • Amount Paid

    NOTE: Our Trend Micro Support Representative will request to rescan the copy if the information on the image is not clear.

Your refund will be electronically transferred within 4-6 weeks.

Request Refund for Best Buy Subscription

If your subscription was purchased from Best Buy, please contact the Best Buy hotline at: 1-888-237-8289.

For Australia/New Zealand/Singapore Retail Stores

If you're in one of these regions, you may return the product to Trend Micro within 30 days from the purchase date. Chat with us or send us an email and provide the necessary details.

  • Tax invoice
  • Clear scanned copy of the receipt that should include:
    • Store Name, Location and Details
    • Purchase Date
    • Product Serial Number
    • Product Purchased
    • Amount Paid
  • Bank details

Your refund will be credited to your account within 45 days.

Check the Refund Status

If you've filed a refund claim, you can easily check its status. Just follow these steps:

  1. Visit Trend Micro's official refund status website.
  2. Enter your registered email address and the Ticket ID you received in your confirmation email.
  3. Click View Status to proceed.

Still have questions or facing issues? Explore more on how to get a refund for Trend Micro in-app purchases.

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